Growth Readiness Workshop

Series comes to

In addition to focusing on your business, Plan on amazing networking and recreating at nearby sites, or at our amazing hotel venue.

Hotel information coming soon

Day 1

08:00 pm
Networking Cocktail Party (All Invited)

Day 2

09:00 am
Breakfast and Networking
10:00 am
Our Revenue Rockets... Why did we Launch?
Transition from Launch to Intentional Growth
11:00 am
Stage 1 - Systems Check
  • Guidance System
  • Exit Analysis
  • Burnout Analysis
01:00 pm
02:00 pm
Council Activity
02:30 pm
Stage 2 - Operational Housecleaning
  • Optimizing your Crew
  • Mission Control
  • Fuel Systems
04:00 pm
Council Activity
06:00 pm

Day 3

09:00 am
Breakfast and Networking
10:00 am
Stage 3 - Client Profiling
  • Collision Avoidance System
  • ICP Profiling
  • Guest Services
11:30 am
Council Activity
12:30 pm
02:00 pm
Stage 4 - Operational Repetition
  • Payload
  • Coms System
  • Thrusters
03:30 pm
Understanding What’s Next

Day 4

Optional VIP Golf Excursion (VIP Only)
Lunch Included
No products available


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Copyright © 2023 - 2024 Mokuteki LLC. All Rights Reserved